ANDY MAST GREENHOUSES had its beginning in the 1920’s in the Netherlands. The story began with Andy’s grandfather, Anne Cornelis, working in a greenhouse and growing vegetable crops there. His son, (Andy’s father) Neal Mast, had helped out in that greenhouse, along with his brothers from the age of six. Fast-forward to Neal meeting his wife, Jacoba “Jackie”, and starting a family in the Netherlands. After WWII, the couple immigrated to the U.S. in 1948, with 2 kids (one of which was Andy), and another on the way! The Mast family arrived on Ellis Island and moved to Grand Rapids, MI to settle in near a known family-friend from the Netherlands.
Growing up working in the greenhouse and moving to a new country, Neal thought that he would pave a new path for himself career-wise. He spent his first 5 years in the United States completing odd jobs and working in foundries while trying to learn English. Eventually, however, he found himself back in a greenhouse.
He re-entered the industry by helping in a greenhouse at night. Soon after, he rented one, then bought his own – Neal Mast & Sons. From there, the rest is history. His son, Andy, grew up around the industry and created Andy Mast Greenhouses, which his children grew up around as well, and 2 of his sons, Dave & Dan, purchased from him – continuing as the 4th generation.
The Mast Family legacy in the greenhouse industry dates back to the early 1900s in the Netherlands.

Current Generation
Dave & Dan Mast